Agent Tucker Dieter

Tucker Dieter


After graduating from The Citadel, Tucker and his Dad, Johnny Dieter, Sr.,  founded The Dieter Company in 1974.  Tucker has enjoyed over 45 years  in the business of real estate sales and rentals in the Pawleys Island and Litchfield Beach areas.  Many of our current homeowners and guests started renting their homes with Tucker, and also purchased their first beach property . 


Tucker was a founding member and former President of the Georgetown County Board of Realtors, back when there were only a handful of realtors in the area, no traffic lights on the highway, and all roads west of Hwy 17 were unpaved.  He and his Dad were the original developers of Pawleys Retreat and were involved in many other developments in the area. Much has changed over the years but the founding principles to provide the very best real estate services for buyers, sellers, owners and guests remains the foremost goal of The Dieter Company and 3rd generation owner, Will Dieter.


Tucker is enjoying a semi-retirement lifestyle. He and his wife, Kimmie, spend a lot of time on their boat traveling on the Intracoastal Waterway. When he is not traveling or playing golf, he can be found in the office on a weekly basis helping out in the Sales and Rental departments.