Shipyard Village Rules
Each owner is responsible for the proper conduct of members of his/her family, guests and service personnel. Each owner should be certain that they understand and observe all Rules and Regulations. All renters should be advised of the Rules and Regulations, and a copy must be displayed prominently in each rental unit. Each owner shall be certain that any rental agent agrees to enforce the Rules of Shipyard Village. The Board of Directors may prohibit the use of any agent who willfully or negligently violates these Rules.
Owners must notify the Managing Agent of the name, address and telephone number of their rental agent and/or any long-term lessees (30 days or more).
Renters or guests are not allowed to have pets on any portion of the Shipyard Village property.
No children under 21 years of age are permitted to occupy an apartment unless the parents or the owners are in residence at the same time. Security may request driver’s license for proof of age. Any requests for exceptions to this Rule should be made in writing to the Board of Directors.
Owners will be responsible for compliance with the Rules and Regulations.
The number of employees and/or maintenance sub-contractors permitted in our budget is limited and each has a full work schedule. Only the Managing Agent, President of the Association, or their representatives, is authorized by the Board of Directors to give instructions to the maintenance staff or landscaping personnel. Any resident encountering a situation where a task is not being performed or is being performed improperly should contact the Managing Agent.
Security is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Depending upon the nature of the situation, owners are requested to notify either the County Sheriff’s Office, the Litchfield By The Sea (LBTS) security or the Managing Agent of any suspicious people, trespassing and/or unusual activities in the Condominium area. See “Emergency Numbers” listed in the back of this booklet.
It is also suggested that the Managing Agent be notified when your Condominium will be left unoccupied for an extended period of time.
No residents shall use or permit to be brought into a dwelling or storage facility any inflammable oils or fluids such as gasoline, kerosene, other explosives or articles deemed extra hazardous to life, limb or property.
The discharge of fireworks and/or any other type of noisemaking deviceS is expressly prohibited on any part of the Condominium property.
Barbecue grills may be used only if placed at least 25 feet from any building or structure. No cooking devices of any kind may be used on any Shipyard Village balcony, or in any corridor, stairwell or garage area. No smoking is allowed in the elevators.
Each unit has one, or in some garage areas, two assigned and marked parking spaces. Automobiles shall be parked only in spaces specifically assigned to the unit. All commercial vehicles of any kind or description, campers, trailers, boats and boat trailers, recreational vehicles, etc. are prohibited from parking on any portion of the Condominium property. Visitor and overflow parking is available in the unassigned “open” parking spaces. No vehicles are allowed to park on any landscaped area. If all spaces are occupied, additional parking is available at the Beach Club parking area. Vehicles illegally parked in an assigned space or in a fire lane will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Golf carts may be parked only in owner’s assigned space.
Motorists shall at all times drive carefully in conformity with conditions and circumstances, but in no event exceed the posted speed limit. This rule will be strictly enforced.
Riding of motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds or motor scooters is prohibited on any portion of the Condominium property.
The riding of tricycles, bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or similar items is not permitted in the parking lot. Luggage carts are not to be used as scooters or to transport children.
Being thoughtful of one’s neighbors can be another answer to good living and is an especially important consideration in a multi-family building. While our buildings are well insulated, noise can travel through glassed areas, ceilings, doors, walls, elevators, corridors and balconies. Therefore, loud noises from television, stereo equipment, musical instruments and talking should be kept at a minimum at all times and especially during the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
If you should be disturbed by noise, please notify Security or the Managing Agent. (See General Information on last page.)
Reasonable supervision of children by a responsible adult is a must at all times when children are playing on the grounds or swimming in the pool or the jacuzzi. Playing in corridors, stairwells and in the elevators is forbidden.
Caution should be exercised while driving within the condominium property to insure the safety of all our children.
No bird or animal shall be kept or harbored in the Condominium unless the same, in each instance, is expressly permitted in writing by the Association, which permission may be conditioned on such terms as by the Association, in its sole discretion, deems to be in the best interests of the Condominium as a whole. Such permission in one instance shall not be deemed a blanket permission in any other instance; and may be revoked at any time by the Association.
(b) In no event shall dogs or cats be permitted in any public portions of the condominium unless on a leash, and only in such places as may be designated by the Association. No pets are allowed in the pool/spa area at any time.
Unleashed pets are subject to collection by the County Animal Shelter. Reclamation of the pet will be the sole responsibility of the owner.
(c) Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. Failure to do so may result in a $25.00 fine.
The grass areas between the buildings and the dunes are not intended to be pet litter boxes. Children play there.
(d) The Owner shall indemnify the Association and hold it harmless against any loss or liability of any kind or character, whatsoever, arising from or growing out of having any animal in the Condominium.
(e) If a dog or other animal becomes obnoxious to other Owners, the Owner must cause the problem to be corrected; or the Owner, upon notice by the Association, will be required to remove the animal from the premises.
Feeding of seagulls is not permitted from balconies, walkovers or in the pool/spa area.
The facilities of the Condominium are for the exclusive use of the members, lessees, resident house guests and guests accompanied by a member. No guest or relative of any member or lessee other than a house guest or relative actually in residence shall be permitted to use the swimming pool, unless accompanied by a resident member of the family of such owner or lessee.
Swimming in the pools and use of the Jacuzzi is permitted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. In view of the fact that the pools are not guarded, PERSONS USING THIS FACILITY DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Children under 13 years of age using the pool or Jacuzzi must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
(a) Shower thoroughly before entering a pool or jacuzzi.
(b) Appropriate attire will conform to conventional swim suits.
(c) Receptacles are provided for cigarettes and trash. Please use these facilities to help keep the pool area clean and attractive.
(d) The Board believes that the playing of radios and CD’s in the pool area can be annoying to others. Therefore, the Board wishes to discourage their use and will permit use only with earphones or headsets.
(e) Pool furniture should be properly cared for. Under no circumstances should the furniture be removed from the immediate area.
(f) Non-resident guests must be accompanied by an owner at all time.
(g) Pets are forbidden in the pool area.
(h) Running in general pool area is not permitted.
(i) If suntan oil is used, make certain that a beach towel is used to cover the poolside furniture.
(j) Please do not “reserve” a chaise by leaving a towel or beach clothing draped over the chaise if you intend to pursue activities elsewhere.
(k) At no time should glass be brought to the pool area. Plastic glasses or containers must be used.
(l) Children not toilet trained, wearing diapers or swim diapers are not allowed in the larger pool at any time. Children in swim diapers may use the smaller pool ONLY.
(m) An emergency phone is located on the cabana wall and should be used only for emergency calls to 911.
(n) A first aid kit is available at the emergency phone site.
(o) No diving is allowed in either of the pools.
Buildings A & B – Newspapers, magazines, bottles and other breakables should be securely wrapped before placing them in the trash chutes. Trash, bones and other non-breakables should be put into heavy duty secured bags and placed into the trash chutes.
Buildings C & D (Captain’s Quarters) – All trash must be placed in dumpsters at the south end of Building C and is not to be left on pavement. Household trash should not be placed in the trash containers outside the lobbies.
At no time is trash of any kind to be left outside the entrance of any unit, in the hallways or stairwells even for short periods of time because ants will invade immediately. The maintenance staff will remove any trash discovered, and a fine may be imposed on the owner.
Laundry, dry cleaning items, supplies of water and other articles shall not be placed in the halls or staircase landings.
Hallways are part of the Common Elements. For this reason, the Board of Directors has ruled that there should be no decorating or painting on these walls. This is necessary in order to assure uniformity throughout the building.
The riding or storage of tricycles, bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or similar items is not permitted in the hallways.
No alteration or additions to any of the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements shall be made by any resident without prior written consent of the Board of Directors, as outlined in Article VII of the Council’s Bylaws. Procedures for obtaining approval require the written submission to the Board of Directors plans, specifications and a formal request detailing the alteration or addition. Residents shall not undertake to do any item of painting, repair, landscaping or maintenance unless in the event of an emergency or pursuant to written approval of the Board of Directors.
Articles of clothing, linens, towels, etc. shall not be hung from the balconies, window sills or draped across balcony furniture. No objects shall be kept, placed or maintained on ledges of the balconies. All loose objects should be removed during hurricane season. Glass tops for tables should be avoided unless securely fastened to the table. Do not throw cigars, cigarettes or any other objects from your balcony.
Members are not permitted on the roof for any purpose.
Owners of Shipyard Village units are responsible for damage to the roofs or units below caused by their leaking or deteriorated HVAC units if repair or replacement has not been performed within the specified time period following notification by the Managing Agent. Annual inspection (using a “grading” system) to determine the degree of deterioration and urgency for repair or replacement will be performed and owners notified.
Contact the Managing Agent for a list of qualified contractors and vendors approved for roof access.
Each dwelling Owner, resident house guest or lessee shall be responsible for the prompt return of the common loading carts to the area from which they were obtained. These carts are not toys and should not be used for any purpose other than loading and unloading personal items. They are not to be taken from the garage or parking areas or used to transport items to the pool or crossover.
Certain parking spaces are assigned as an appurtenance to a particular dwelling unit. As such, these spaces may be used only by the Owner, except when the Owner has given permission for the use by another Owner, lessee or guest. Appropriate and current parking tags or decals must be prominently displayed on vehicles at all items while on Shipyard Village property.
Please make certain that your vehicles are parked within the confines of the painted lines and are pulled up close to the bumper and in the space numbered and assigned to your unit. Individuals parking in unauthorized areas will be subject to having their vehicle removed at the owner’s expense and/or a fine of $25.00 per day.
As a security measure, keep your automobile doors locked.
All window treatments, shades, draperies, drapery linings, blinds or other treatments visible from the dwelling exterior must be white in color.
Broken windows or windows “fogged” due to broken vapor seals must be replaced by the unit owner within 30 days of notification by the Board of Directors or Managing Agent. Faulty windows not replaced within the 30 day period may be replaced by the Shipyard Village Association at the owner’s expense in accordance with Article VI, Section 6.3 of the Shipyard Village Bylaws, or the owner may be subject to a $25 per day fine for each day greater than 30 days that the window remains un-repaired.
No sign, advertising or notice of any kind or type whatsoever including, but not limited to, “For Rent” or “For Sale” signs shall be permitted or displayed on the exterior of any dwelling nor shall be posted or displayed in any manner as to be visible from the exterior of any dwelling.
Do not walk on or over the dunes. Use the boardwalk as access to and from the beach. It is against South Carolina Law to damage or destroy sea oats or sea grass which grows on the dunes.
The Association must retain a key to each dwelling. No Owner shall alter any lock or install a new lock on any door leading into the dwelling of such Owner without providing a key to the Association or the Managing Agent.
Members shall be liable for all damages to the building caused by receiving deliveries of, moving or removing furniture or other articles to or from the building.
Failure to replace water heaters 10 or more years old constitutes negligence. Damages caused by these water heaters to units or common elements will be the responsibility of the negligent owner. Claims will not be submitted to the Association’s insurance carrier. (Claims may not be covered by your HO6 or the Association carrier if negligence is proven.)
Each owner is responsible for keeping updated repairs on all water facilities, sinks, tubs, water heaters, commodes, icemakers, freezer, etc. Should any water damage occur in another condo, the unit owner of the originating cause could be held responsible for all costs of damage incurred.
Governing documents of Shipyard Village Council of Co-Owners require that the Managing Agent be notified prior to any sale or transfer of ownership or any part interest of any Shipyard Village unit. Selling owners can be held responsible and liable for any debts incurred by the “buying owner” if this notice is not given in a timely manner which will allow the Managing Agent to change and update billing documents. While the “selling owner” has responsibility for this notification, the “buying owner” should confirm also that notification has taken place.
The foregoing Rules and Regulations are designed to make living for you and your neighbors pleasant and comfortable. The restrictions that we impose upon ourselves are for the mutual benefit of all. Violations of these Rules are to be reported to the Property Supervisor, Managing Agent or Board of Directors, who will call the matter to the attention of the violating Owner, lessee or guest for corrective action. Second and subsequent violations of the Rules and Regulations will result in a $25.00 fine being levied to the unit owner, per day, by the Board of Directors until compliance is obtained. The fine shall become a part of, and collectible with, the next regular assessment, in addition to all other legal remedies. Failure to pay fines can result in a lien against the owner’s property. Any disagreement over a violation will be reported to the Board of Directors for subsequent judgment.
These revised Shipyard Village Rules and Regulations are effective as of June 15, 2002, and supercede any and all previous versions.
The Directors of the Association reserve the right to change or revoke existing Rules and Regulations and make such additional Rules and Regulations from time to time as, in their opinion, shall be necessary or desirable for the safety and protection of the building and its occupants, and to promote cleanliness and good order of the property and to assure the comfort and convenience of members.
Fire Department……………………………….............911
Myrtle Beach – Grand Strand………...449-4411
North Gate Security……………………………237-2451/24 hours